Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Diary Entry 23rd April - New Project

This is my diary entry for the project that we are doing at the moment, a single camera drama production, at the moment I am thinking about different genres and ideas, I want to do a thriller and so does Deanna Ricketts and we both have the same ideas and might work together.

I spoke to Joe and Deanna today and we discussed different ideas, and Joe decided he was going to work on his own, and Dee and I decided we are going to work together, I am not worried about working with Dee as I know she is hardworking and is really looking forward to this new project, I am a little worried about different ideas, if I don't like something dee does then we are going to have to compromise and same with me liking an idea dee doesn't.

The idea that Dee and I have is a thriller and two girls have come through the door from a night out with blood on their hands and they are confused as to what they have done, even though they don't know, someone else does and they are blackmailing the girls, a letter will come through their door saying 'I know what you've done' this is going to be most of the story, its going to be a mystery and they do not find out until the end.

I want the audience to feel constantly on edge and asking questions, this is the whole point of my story.

What happened?
What did they do?
Where has the blood come from?
Where did they do it?
Who did they do it too?
Who's blood id it?
Who is blackmailing them?
Why did they do it?
Why don't they remember?
How did they do it?

These are the questions that everyone will be asking and they will not be answered until the very end of the production.This is what gives the story a twist! Its a mystery!

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